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How employees with careers in nursing are critical at Merck

Nurses' clinical expertise and patient experience provide valuable insight across our company

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Inspiring innovation through diversity and inclusion

When we bring together people from different backgrounds, the possibilities for invention are endless

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Pride, pediatrics and parenting

Meet Rodney Finalle, a doctor, a father and a proud member of our team at Merck

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Supporting colleagues working with cancer

There are so many unknowns after a cancer diagnosis -- whether or not you receive support at work shouldn’t be one of them

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Merck leaders recognized as influential women executives

Honored by WomenInc., Cristal Downing, Caroline Litchfield and Jennifer Zachary push for progress and light the path for future women leaders

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‘We are encouraged to be who we are’: An LGBTQ+ colleague shares his story

Lutz Staacke talks about finding a company that appreciates him for who he is

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Why we're expanding and investing in our research and discovery efforts

Our commitment to innovation helps ensure a brighter future for patients everywhere

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Ken Frazier named Chief Executive’s 2021 CEO of the Year

Our executive chairman of the board and former CEO joins a list of legendary executives for his long record of leadership

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Find out how we’re working to do better for people and the planet

5 key takeaways from our 2020/2021 Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) Progress Report

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How one woman’s diverse team is driving innovation in science and medicine

Rebecca Ruck is breaking down silos and leveraging diversity to invent smarter and greener ways to produce medicine

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With OneTen, Merck is helping create 1 million jobs for Black Americans

Merck Chairman Ken Frazier serves as co-chair for a new initiative to create 1 million jobs for Black Americans in the next decade