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Here for Good: A steadfast commitment to health equity

How one colleague’s upbringing and career journey have motivated her to fight inequities around the world

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Merck for Mothers: Expanding access to quality maternal care

More than a decade of strategic partnerships, private sector innovation and data-driven impact are helping create a world where no woman has to die while giving life

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Humans, animals and the environment - our health is all connected

Why the One Health approach is important now more than ever

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Breaking new ground in the UK

We’re accelerating our global efforts and capabilities with our new London Discovery Research Centre and U.K. headquarters

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Magic Johnson shares what makes him work harder

The basketball legend and businessman talked DE&I, HIV advocacy and leadership in an inspiring visit to our global headquarters

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Diversity and inclusion strengthen everything we do

From fostering an inclusive and supportive culture to working with diverse suppliers, diversity and inclusion are integral to helping us better serve patients

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VIDEO: Climate change: How it’s affecting your health and how businesses can help fight this global crisis

In this Teal Talks episode, we hear from leading environmental experts on the impacts of climate change on health and how businesses can make a difference

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Merck hosts supplier diversity summit

At the 2022 Billion Dollar Roundtable Summit, company leaders shared the importance of supplier diversity, how we're leading our industry and making a difference for the world

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Advancing health equity through impact investing

Ken Gustavsen, executive director, Social Business Innovation, and impact investing portfolio manager, offers three lessons on helping advance global health goals