Improving health care access
We find sustainable ways to enable access to health care for people living in underserved communities around the world.
Strengthening our longstanding commitment to advancing health equity
Our philanthropic programs promote health equity and seek to improve the quality of health care for people in underserved communities who are living with cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and HIV/AIDS. We’re also supporting efforts to strengthen immunization programs.
Supporting equitable cancer care
Our programs are working to improve the delivery of high-quality, equitable cancer care and help patients overcome barriers to accessing needed services and support.

Advancing equity in cancer care
The Alliance for Equity in Cancer Care is a national, multi-site initiative that aims to advance health equity by improving timely access to high-quality, culturally responsive cancer care for patients from underserved U.S. communities. Read more

Strengthening patient-centered cancer care
The Alliance to Advance Patient-Centered Cancer Care and its programs helped increase timely access to patient-centered care and reduce disparities in cancer care for underserved populations in the U.S. Read more

Expanding global patient navigation
The American Cancer Society, with our support, is helping people living with cancer in low- and middle-income countries access needed care and support. Read more

Strengthening the cancer care workforce
With our support, Project ECHO® at University of New Mexico Health is working to expand access to best-practice cancer care in medically underserved areas of Southeast Asia. Read more
Reducing disparities in HIV care
Our programs are working to reduce disparities in access to care and improve health outcomes for people living with HIV.

HIV Care Connect
We’re supporting HIV Care Connect in the U.S. to reduce disparities in HIV care in the Southeastern communities that have disproportionately high rates of infection. Read more

Improving access to HIV care in sub-Saharan Africa
We’re supporting two philanthropic programs to improve access to high-quality HIV care and treatment in South Africa. Read more
Contributing to better diabetes outcomes
Our programs aim to improve access to high-quality care, reduce disparities in diabetes outcomes and provide peer support to help individuals manage their diabetes and improve the quality of their lives.

Bridging the Gap: Reducing Disparities in Diabetes Care
We supported a multi-site, community-focused initiative in the U.S. to help transform the delivery of diabetes care and address the social drivers of health. Read more
Strengthening global immunization efforts
We're investing in efforts to reinforce global immunization coverage.

Strengthening health systems through immunization
With our support, the United Nations Foundation is helping reinforce national immunization systems and advancing efforts to address vaccine-preventable disease outbreaks. Read more